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Beam-beam effects in linear colliders

In the summer of 2023, I worked as a SULI intern at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory under the guidance of Professor Spencer Gessner. As part of the multi-TeV beam-beam working group, I focused on validating and benchmarking quantum physics packages in the particle-in-cell (PIC) code WarpX for linear collider applications. This work addressed critical challenges such as energy losses from quantum effects like beamstrahlung, which can significantly impact collider performance at TeV scales.


This was my first experience running large-scale simulations on supercomputers! My findings demonstrated that WarpX's quantum physics packages not only produce results consistent with the established beam-beam code GUINEA-PIG but also scale more efficiently for large-scale problems.


(See my paper here!)

Screenshot 2024-12-23 at 00.49.37.png

Illustration of beam-beam collisions and QED effects from my IPAC paper.

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